Pilates Scult
& Restorative Yoga
75 minutes of heart pumping pilates sculpt followed by a mindful restorative yoga practice
February 16 5-6:15pm

Voted New Hampshire’s Hippo Best Of Award 10 years in a row.
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In-Studio, On-demand, Livestream and Outdoor classes
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I want to let you know how much your studio has helped me...when I first started getting
serious about NHPY which was late last year or early this year my back was a wreck....I
could not stand for any significant time, which meant cooking was out (I love to cook),
I was always off to see the chiro with low back problems. Now - I have not seen the chiro
in 2 months, (she misses me), I took our son to hike Mt Major the other weekend. Just to
see if I could do it.
We took the steep trail up climbing over boulders and the easy trail down - no problems!
Last month I cooked for our family and my brothers family, and then did all the clean up-
....I was tired and needed some rest, yet they all enjoyed the food, and I had no back pain.
Then there is the peace of mind aspect...love the feeling of walking out with more clarity!
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Thank you for helping me learn to love myself and be present in the moment through all the wonderful yoga classes over the last 10 months. I don't know if a card can truly express my gratitude for the experience of learning how to JUST BE. It takes special people to teach, and I feel so blessed to have had you in my life.
I have been to three classes so far & I just wanted to thank you for such wonderful classes. Your guidance has allowed me to feel so relaxed and content in a way I haven't been able to in a few months. My 1 year old daughter is in the middle of chemotherapy and I have been struggling (with guilt & time) to get myself back to the gym (still trying to get my body back after childbirth). I have also been unable to sleep through the night. I have been accomplishing both since coming to your classes. Not to mention the fabulous total - mind/spirit/body workout. I have been to other classes/studios and feel a different more positive (& fun) energy at your studio.
Thank you,
I just wanted to thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to practice yoga and get to know such wonderful yogis as yourselves. Your studio is so warm and blessed with your spirits, it truly does SHINE! I will always have fond memories of power yoga and this pocket of New Hampshire. Thank your for all your generosity and good luck to the whole family.
You are such a wonderful yoga teacher … I always leave your class feeling an indescribable contentment.
Your caring and sharing attitude was always an inspiration and I really appreciated it. When you opened your yoga studio I struggled for a long time wanting to go but feeling awkward about going but you both made me feel very comfortable and totally appreciate that life is a journey and I don't have to be able to be a contortionist to do yoga.
Thank you so much and I pray all is well with you and your family.
Thank you so much for the amazing class yesterday...it was just what I needed, and I am wonderfully sore today!!
Following the impulse is how I live my life, even when it's more difficult. It's sort of like what you said about the hard path leading to the good life. SO TRUE!!!! Thanks for your inspiration and for following your impulse!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to come and have such a rewarding time with you, your students and the world you've created by your studio.
I was inspired by what it is you have both brought into existence. The students were a pleasure to teach, you have created a beautiful space and most impressive is the love and care you both embody and generate which so clearly characterizes your studio. Your partnership has created a magical space in which people are able to come and experience some of their fullness and perhaps taste some precious moments of self-transcendence. That is an amazing achievement.
I cannot tell you how very happy I am to have discovered your studio...It has brought much joy to my life...It has been a year since I stepped into your doors. You truly are an inspiring woman, with your sweet words...I feel like a new woman each time I finish a practice..Just had to tell you!! Thank you :)
Hi Mary - came to class yesterday - we had just gotten back on Saturday night and I desperately needed to be at the studio - Mary's class was awesome - she just radiates her love of teaching from every cell - and is such a nice person.
I just wanted to write and tell you how excited I am to have come to your studio this past weekend. I typically go to Baron’s Cambridge studio which is walking distance from where I work, however work demands make it difficult for me to get there on a regular basis. I live in NH and going to Cambridge on the weekends is nearly impossible. I’m so happy to have come across your information on Baron’s web site. I came to Bob’s class on Saturday morning and hope to make it there every Saturday from now on.
Every time I come to class I feel blessed that you are here. I leave class feeling energized and alive. I love the changes in my body. I love your words of wisdom throughout the class - the work on the mat is a practice for my life. Yoga and you have taught me to be patient within my action. Just as my body unfolds at its pace and wisdom, so does life. Yay! I feel fantastic - body and soul. You are a pocket of goodness. Namaste.
After a hiatus of a couple of years, I returned to NH Power Yoga in October 2008 ready to change my life. I've dealt with clinical depression and hypothyroidism which made me believe that it was impossible to change my body and my mind. Since returning to my yoga practice, I have lost 25 pounds and gained a new outlook on life. The time I've spent on my mat has given me a sense of accomplishment that I get to experience every time I step into the studio. I am so thankful to NH Power Yoga for helping me along my path. I have a long way to go to reach my ultimate goals, but knowing my yoga practice is there for me will make it so much easier. Thank you!
I just finished my second class and wanted to write and say thank you! I've done a few yoga classes in the past, but this is so different. It is almost spiritual and I even felt like I was going to cry today during class (and actually did the whole drive home). Just felt like such a release and I already feel so much stronger.
Just wanted to say thank you for having such a wonderful studio and I hope to go to more classes in the future!
Just went for a trail walk and thought of you. 15 years is a nice stretch. I feel like I was an early adopter. I started for about a year, got colon cancer, went back 3 months after chemo and remember lying in shavasana with tears going down the sides of my face. That was 9 years ago. Thanks for all you do!
I also wanted to thank you once again for the incredible studio that you and Bob have created! Each of the teachers add such a unique and wonderful element to their classes and I leave each class feeling thankful for each of them. Between the incredible energy and strength that the flow classes provide and the truly amazing increase in flexibility that the Yin class provides, I am feeling better than I have felt in many, many years! Turning sixty this year does not feel so scary!